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    through the sadness of all things i hear the crooning of the eternal mother



    i came to your shore as a stranger, i lived in your house as a guest,

    i leave your door as a friend, my earth



    let my thoughts e to you, when i am gone, like the after glow of

    sunset at the margin of starry silence



    light in my heart the evening star of rest and then let the night

    whisper to me of love




    i am a child in the dark

    i stretch my hands through the coverlet of night for thee, mother




    the day of work is done hide my face in your arms, mother

    let me dream



    the lamp of meeting burns long; it goes out in a moment at the parting



    one word keep for me in thy silence, o world, when i am dead,i have loved



    we live in this world when we love it



    let the dead have the immortality of fame, but the living the

    immortality of love
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