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第57集-My name is Xeymio Lockwood

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    “get up,boy!”skyler用力地拍打着谢佑苗的脊背。


    “ehhhughhhhwhat&39;s going on”


    “let me thinkwhat&39;s your name again”skyler似乎忘了谢佑苗的名字。

    “it&39;s chinese expression is too plex for you to remember,you might consider it as a painting,and i don&39;t have english name either”谢佑苗耸了耸肩。

    “how about letting me to design an english name for you”skyler提议道。


    “first,pronounce your name,and i&39;ll use letters to create a name for you”




    “okay,i think that&39;s the most similar one”skyler得意地说道。

    “let me see”谢佑苗拿过纸张。


    “how to pronounce it”

    “listen to be carefully:/zeimia/”

    “huh”谢佑苗懵逼了,“could you please write it down on that paper”




    “practice it over times,and the effect will surprise you”skyler得意道,因为她是英语母语人士。

    “oh,there&39;s one more important thing,designing your last name”skyler灵光一闪。

    “what the!what last namei can&39;t fully grasp it!”谢佑苗再次懵逼。

    “that&39;s a british tradition,everyone&39;s name has two parts,first name and last name,first name can be designed casually,but last name must be same as his father,like me,my dad is named fitz lockwood,therefore my name is skyler lockwood”skyler解释道。

    “i may grasped it”谢佑苗低头沉思。

    (skyler:it seems like he&39;s unaware about british traditions,maybe i can cheat him by an easy lie,tata)


    “there&39;s one more,once a man marrys a woman as his wife,he must change his last name the same to his wife&39;s,but his father don&39;t need to change”skyler笑得牙齿都露出来了。

    (skyler:ah,it&39;s so nice to let a man change his last name to mine instead of changing mine to his,i can use lockwood as my last name forever!hahahahahaha)

    “ffor real”此时的谢佑苗还被蒙在鼓里。


    “of course,that&39;s husband&39;s doing,now there are two choice facing you”skyler趁机开始实施计划。


    “either you be my husband and admit changing your last name to mine,lockwood,or,you get out of my house,live alone yourself,i won&39;t care about you forever,choose one of them,now”skyler把脸贴近谢佑苗说道。

    “can i go on being your servent for just a period”谢佑苗乞求道。

    “no way!you have only these two choices”skyler的嘴里透露出一丝斩钉截铁的语气。

    “fine!fine!i change my last name to yours,okaycan i get liberty now”谢佑苗绝望地回答。

    “intelligent,but think about it,xeymio,whose huaband has liberty”


    “what did you mean”谢佑苗开始不寒而栗。

    话音刚落,skyler就再次抓起谢佑苗的衣领:“remember,you&39;re mine,you must listen to me and do follow my orders,no fighting back,no escaping,and the most important,no liberty!”









    “now,i&39;m going to cook breakfast for us,you go to put dishes and glasses on the table,hurry!”skyler开始整理床铺。

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