第13章 朝雨胜的友好
走到夏奈落跟前,打了个招呼“hello,nice to meet youmy name is zhao yusheng。you ”
夏奈落呆愣了一瞬间,就立刻回答道。“hello, nice to meet you too my name is xia nailuo。thank youyour question mark(谢谢你的问候)”
“it&39;s very kind of you(你太客气了。)”朝雨胜继续说“you are very cute(你很可爱。)like a little fox(像一只小狐狸。)”
“really(真的吗?)i hope you&39;re not talking about my love to be clever (我希望你说的不是我爱耍小聪明。)”
“no no,no,you are really, really cute(你是真的真的非常可爱。)i once had a little fox(我曾养过一只小狐狸。)he is as lovely as you(他跟你一样可爱。)”
“thank you for your pliment”(谢谢你的夸奖。)夏奈落礼貌的回答,得体又大方。“just curious,your little fox(只不过很好奇,你养的小狐狸。)”夏奈落刻意的停了一下。
“how is he(他怎么样了?)”
此时,朝雨胜讲起了那只小狐狸,“he left me(他离开我了。)i would have guessed(我早就猜到了。)he will leave me one day(他总有一天会离开我。)he needs some training(他得需要一些磨练。)in order to grow better(才能更好的成长。)”朝雨胜顿了顿,继续说。
“i can&39;t keep giving him shelter(我不能一直给他庇护。)that would break his wings(那样会折断他的翅膀。)”
“you&39;re absolutely right(你说的很对。)if you really want to protect someone,(如果真的想保护一个人,)then learn to let go(那就要学会放手。)”
“thank you, you&39;re the first person to tell me that(你是第一个这样跟我说的。)i had a good chat this time (这次我聊的很开心。)see you again(再见)”
“see you again(再见)”