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第230 章 这是在干什么。

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    1雨数 y=arcsim(t+的定义域为

    2函数)=x+e°上点( 0, 1 )处的切线方程是___————-

    3 设f(x)在x。可导,且f(x)= a,则lim-f(x,+2h)—5(x。-3h)为-20

    4设曲线过(0, 1),且其上任意点(xy)的切线斜率为2,则该曲线的方程是------











    in 1924 america&39;s national research council sent two engineers to supervise a series of experiments at a telephone-parts factory called the hawthorne plant nearchicago it hoped they would learn how shop-floor lightingworkers&39;productivity instead, the studies ended 2 giving their name to the &34;hawthorne effect,&34; the extremely influential idea that the very

    3of being experimentedupon changed subjects&39; behaviorthe idea arose because of the

    4behavior of the women in the plantaccording toof the experiments, their hourly output rose when lightingwas increased, but also when it was dimmed it did not6what was done in

    the experiment;7 something was changed, productivity rose a(n)thatthey were being experimented upon seemed to be9to alter workers&39;behavior10 itselfafter several decades, the same data were11to econometric analysis thehawthorne experiments had another surprise in store12the descriptions onrecord, no systematic13was found that levels of productivity were related tochanges in lightingit turns out that the peculiar way of conducting the experiments may have led to14 interpretations of what happened15, lighting was alwayschanged on a sunday when work started again on monday, output 16rosepared with the previous saturday and 17 to rise for the next couple ofdays18, a parison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on mondays workers

    19to be diligent forthe first few days of the week in any case, before20_ a plateau and then

    slackening off this suggests that the alleged &34;hawthorne effect is hard to pin down



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