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第 101章 y∩__∩y

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    he lacked profundity and analytical precision







    预备性的, 初步的, 开始的;


    准备工作, 初步行动(或活动);预试, 预赛;序言, 开场白;



    the development of this system provides preliminary achievement for realizing turning cam













    press the return key to enter the information



    press ahead











    the film was made with the prince&39;s full knowledge and approval













    more than a decade ago, cognitive scientists john bransford and daniel schwartz, both then at vanderbilt university, found that what distinguished young adults from children was not the ability to retain facts or apply prior knowledge to a new situation but a quality they called &34;preparation for future learning&34;



    prior approval


    prior experience


    prior knowledge











    some travel panies will probably go out of business this summer











    how did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain











    they only publish novels which cater to the mass-market











    workers at the nuclear plant were exposed to high doses of radiation



    nuclear radiation


    radiation levels


    radiation therapy/treatment











    it was the realization of his greatest ambition



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