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第 58章 还能停止那该死的买卖

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    the president called foreign aid a handout that fosters dependence on wealthy nations









    the proposals deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children



    1deserve a chance应该得到机会

    2deserve credit应该受到赞扬

    3deserve recognition应该得到赏识













    this dessert can be served straight from the refrigerator











    and the end result would be a destruction of your country and mine









    they will detect us the same way you did














    their success is due in large part to their determination



    1courage and determination


    2strength and determination


    3fierce determination













    the disappointing sales figures foreshadow more redundancies













    they hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute

















    the key question was whether they would stand aside or would disrupt the elections














    this book is divided into two distinct parts

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