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第54 章 不用装下愤怒和悲哀

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    vitamin deficiency in the diet can cause illness













    how do you measure the volume of a gas













    the police need a witness to make a positive id



    1key witness关键证人

    2material witness重要证人

    3defence witness辩方证人;被告证人














    the following year parliament voted to abolish the death penalty for murder









    英[bstrkt , bstrkt]

    美[bstrkt , bstrkt]






    please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕










    英[bjus , bjuz]

    美[bjus , bjuz]






    the system is open to abuse















    growth will accelerate to 29 per cent next year














    i have one lock but i bought another as an additional insurance against thieves









    an analysis of the current reform of ideas of the public administrative management in china









    direct descent from a particular ancestor; ancestry



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