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第 43章 让你选择想要的生活

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    the evaluations report that pared with k means method, a geic algorithm based rbf work has the ability of global optimization with a 10 decrease in the spectral distance between the transformed speech and the target speech














    the speed with which digital cameras can take, process and transmit an image is phenomenal












    巨大的,极大的;极好的,精彩的,了不起的;<口> 非常的,惊人的;<古> 可怕的,可怖的;


    he plays the character with tremendous concentration bined with a pleasing modesty



    比较级more tremendous

    最高级most tremendous










    the study on the reform of chinese undergraduate medical insurance system











    this is sth quite unexpected!









    go is a little like a version of chess, only vastly more plicated













    the research of image and video is very important whereas their characteristic













    however, our country in promoting the process of trade liberalization should be clear that trade liberalization does not mean that absolute free trade











    it was like a monkey"s face, absolutely he was like a monkey









    black walls absorb a lot of heat during the day






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