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第318章 新股东吗?

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    张晓茹这时就看见凯文跟张柏生,杨日升他们都过来了,连忙就先放下这边的客户,就迎接上去了,凯文看见张晓茹就很高兴啊,伸手抱了下张晓茹就说:“阿茹,看见你很高兴啊 ,how have you been studying lately school life is still very good, i just returned from shanghai and beijing, and brought you a lot of my friends to e and enjoy it!”

    “i&39;m fine, i&39;ve been doing well lately, but i&39;ll ask for your help when i&39;m done! i&39;m glad to see you, thank you for introducing me to friends, where i&39;ll get to know you!”张晓茹用自己流利英文跟凯文对话啊,这时凯文身边的朋友就好奇问凯文:“kevin, who is this”

    “这个就是张晓茹,我跟你们说的华国这边的好朋友啊,也是这个公司的设计总负责人啊。”凯文操着自己不太流利的国语跟自己的朋友说,那些朋友听见,原来是凯文看重的朋友 ,而且还是设计负责人啊,看来应该很不错的!都跟张晓茹纷纷伸出友好的握手的。


    这时梁辉就从后台出来的,对张晓茹比了一个ok的手势的,那就是后台那边的情况处理好了,这时就可以让公关公司开始主持服装发布会了,发布会后就是重头戏服装秀的。发布会就由杨日升主持,毕竟有几次的主持的经验,杨日升控场是很好 ,凯文看见杨日升的表现都对张晓茹说:“a ru, this yang risheng of your family is really good, the ability is very high, it seems that your salary is not low!”

    “there is also a liang hui&39;s, background processing ability, processing things very quickly, and doing it perfectly, without a little mistake, great!”

    张晓茹就笑着小声说:“haha, thank you kevin for the pliment, but don&39;t spoil my staff for the pliment。and their salaries are already astronomical, they are still the newest shareholders of our pany!”

    凯文听见杨日升和梁辉已经成为新地集团公司的最新股东了,很惊讶:“wow, you gave them all the shares of the pany, then blame them for working so hard, or your pany&39;s policy is good, the benefits are very good, it seems that i want to learn to manage the pany with you!”

    “this is a must, reluctant children can&39;t trap wolves”张晓茹说了自己的理由出来的,凯文表示很赞同的,张晓茹就示意说:“let&39;s watch the launch and the fashion show, and finally we&39;ll discuss managing the pany, and i have something else i want to ask you for help!”
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