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    现在是1805年 而你是个纽约人

    it’s 1850 a

    d you’

    e a new yo






    about that sweet sweet gold o

    the west coast


    you’ve th

    ee optio




    oss the cou


    y by mule,


    sail a


    d cape ho




    a boat to pa

    ama t

    ek th

    ough the ju




    d hop o



    the othe


    一切顺利的话 两个月内你就可以到加州的迪斯尼乐园了

    all goi

    g well, you’ll be at dis


    d withi

    two mo



    but the pa

    ama t

    ack was i


    edibly deadly,


    so usi

    g i

    ish a

    d chi

    ese labo


    s the pa



    oad was built


    half a millio

    people t

    aveled it i

    the fi

    st te




    it became a majo



    y fo

    the us postal se




    d was soo

    the highest-p

    iced stock o

    the new yo

    k excha








    tal t

    avel was big busi



    50 miles of la

    d was the o

    ly thi

    g stoppi

    g the atla

    tic fo


    g the pacific

    在货物贸易之后 随之而来的是政治和权力


    d all the t

    ade, politics a

    d powe

    that came with it




    ch attempt

    在苏伊士运河建成后 雷赛布作为欧洲的英雄凯旋



    g the suez  fe



    d de lesseps


    ed to eu

    ope a he



    he’d b

    ought i

    dia 6,000 miles close


    d made af

    ica a



    在伦敦 3万人前来祝贺这位法国人

    30,000 people came out to co


    atulate the f



    , i



    在巴黎 皇室成员接待了他





    is was o

    e of


    他还交了几个新朋友 有凡尔纳 雨果以及埃菲尔


    ew f


    ds i

    cluded jules ve

    e victo

    hugo a

    d gustave eiffel


    so whe

    he a


    ced his

    ext p

    oject was to cut



    ough ce


    al ame

    ica few people doubted him

    在这之前 美国人已经对这里做了调查

    the ame


    s had al

    eady do

    e su

    veys of the a




    d we

    e co


    ced of a lock system at nica


    然而 雷赛布却决定在巴拿马建造一条与海水齐平的运河


    de lesseps was set o

    a sea-level  at pa



    it was the sho


    oute, a

    d that’s all that matte


    但在巴拿马有高山 急流 丛林 火山岩

    but pa

    ama had mou




    s, ju

    gles, volca



    以及分水岭 瘴气 黄热病 美洲虎和毒蛇

    a co



    tal divide, mala

    ia, yellow feve

    , jagua

    s, s


    并且严格来说 这里仍然属于哥伦比亚


    d was still tech

    ically a


    of colombia



    de lépi

    ay, the f


    ch e




    ted out


    that suez have bee

    easy fo

    de lesseps because it was a flat dese





    g the chag

    es rive



    ama would be a

    impossible task


    he suggested b


    g the la

    d with a

    tificial lakes a

    d locks




    e laughed

    这时 万人敬仰的雷赛布发话了

    the all

    espected de lesseps had spoke


    it would be at sea level

    然后 一个国际会议就此召开 将决定最后的方案





    al co



    ce was held to decide the fi






    e but the few e



    s who had actually



    to pa

    ama voted with de lesseps


    a f


    ch pa

    y was set up,


    they bought the


    oad a




    eed to give colombia 5  of a






    g ca



    d i





    1881年 河道两旁的丛林开始被砍掉

    the ju

    gle bega

    to be chopped back i






    fall i


    ama could be th

    ee mete




    the mo


    tal scale of the task became appa




    mudslides mea

    t a

    y p


    ess would be u


    e afte


    ext big sto


    因此 为了防止运河墙下滑

    to stop the  walls f

    om slidi

    g i




    ew slope of o

    e to fou

    had to be cut



    g the amou

    t of excavatio


    at the highest poi

    t alo

    g the



    ew width would have to be th



    s of a mile




    s we

    e a

    med with


    g but a machete a

    d a pickaxe


    the death toll was at times 40 a day

    在沼泽地区这样的非人道条件下 黄热病和疟疾像野火一样蔓延

    yellow feve


    d mala

    ia sp

    ead like wildfi

    e i

    the swampy i


    e co




    bodies of black wo


    s will ofte





    om whe

    e they died i

    to the dumpi

    g g




    people spoke of ghost ships a


    g f

    om the ca




    the c

    ew dead eve




    g pa


    1889年 法国公司破产 工程也不得不暂停


    1889 the f


    ch pa

    y we

    t ba


    upt a

    d wo

    k came to a halt

    有80万的投资者赔光了他们的钱 2万3千人在此丧命

    800,000 i


    s lost thei


    ey a

    d 23,000 people thei



    us effo



    the  sat u

    touched u




    e roosevelt was elected a decade late


    he was co


    ced the us navy

    eeded quick access to the pacific ocea



    d a  would be the o

    ly way


    so the pa

    ama ve

    sus nica

    agua debate





    ama wi


    g agai


    though eve


    ’t bee


    the f


    ch attempt


    it’s likely the  today would be at nica



    but a lot of the wo

    k was al

    eady sta




    d the you

    g ambitious ame

    ica could


    esist i





    e the mighty f


    ch empi

    e had failed


    the slight p

    oblem was that



    ama was a


    of a

    d ow

    ed by colombia


    but the us

    efused to sig


    y t

    eaty whe

    e they



    ’t have plete sove


    ty ove

    the  zo

    e, a



    colombia we


    ’t willi

    g to give that up

    1903年 哥伦比亚陷入政治动荡


    1903 colombia was i

    political u


    因此 美国政府就直接和巴拿马谈了

    so the us tu

    ed to pa

    ama di


    嘿 巴拿马 你想独立吗

    psssttt… pa

    ama! do you wa

    a be a

    ew cou




    if you we

    e to have a


    我们不会 不用我们的军舰保护你们 /调皮微笑

    we would


    ot p

    otect you with ou

    massive wa

    ships ; )

    嗯 好吧

    yeah, su




    d pa

    ama sig

    ed a t

    eaty givi

    g ame

    ica total co





    the  o

    ce they became i





    a lot of people we


    ’t happy with the us






    at pa

    ama, so roosevelt asked atto

    ey ge





    ox to fo

    m a legal defe


    “亲爱的总统阁下 不要因为这么一点的不合法

    “ah m



    t, do

    ot let so g

    eat a






    om a

    y tai

    t of legality”

    1904年 工程开始


    1904 wo

    k bega


    the us pla

    by joseph ripley a

    d alf

    ed noble would be a



    of de lépi

    ay’s f

    om 25 yea

    s ea



    a se

    ies of locks o





    aise ships 26 mete

    s above sea level

    然后在查格雷斯河上筑堤 让其淹没巴拿马中部的大片区域


    d the

    dam the chag



    to flood huge a

    eas of ce


    al pa


    164平方英里的丛林 城镇和铁路消失在了水下

    164 squa

    e miles of ju

    gle, tow




    oad would be lost u



    加顿湖就此诞生 而查格雷斯河



    g gattu

    lake the chag

    es rive

    , so


    difficult a

    d obstacle fo

    a sea-level passage, would


    bee the lifeli

    e of the lock – feedi



    it with a co


    t wate



    yet the e






    ed would still be imme



    the culeb

    a mou


    s must still be cut th


    而就像其巨大的水闸一样 加通大坝


    dam would have to be o

    e of the la

    gest i

    the wo



    as would the locks themselves

    1906年 罗斯福参观此地 并成为了美国历史上

    roosevelt himself visited i

    1906 bei

    g the fi





    t to leave the cou


    y while i


    没有镐和铲子 美国人带来的是炸药



    ed to pickaxe a

    d shovel the ame


    s b

    ought dy

    amite with them

    这项工程不是单纯的挖掘 它还包括土的运输

    the p

    oject became

    ot o

    e of diggi

    g but of ea





    d this mea

    t miles a

    d miles of co


    uously movi




    卫生保健 住宿以及食物在这里也都有提供

    health ca

    e, acmodatio


    d food we

    e all p

    ovided fo






    hotels a

    d shops we

    e maki

    g a steady p

    ofit, while



    g the expe

    ses of  wo





    s back home wa



    of the political th

    eat these people would be whe







    s who had th

    ived i

    to sociali


    but if you’d go

    e to pa

    ama looki

    g fo

    a socialist utopia


    you’d have bee





    e was

    o sha

    ed ow


    ship o


    acy i




    d you’d bette

    have bee



    because seg


    still existed i

    all walks of life





    200,000 people mig

    ated f

    om the ca





    g up the vast majo

    ity of the wo




    black wo


    s we

    e give


    g food a

    d acmodatio

    , if a

    y at all



    gle me


    lived i



    ted boxca

    s alo

    g the c:没有li


    而有家庭的人也不得不在巴拿马城 或科隆


    d families we

    e fo

    ced to fe

    d fo





    , pa

    ama city o

    the ju



    despite all the medical a

    d safety adva




    made a black wo


    was fou




    e likely to die tha

    a white wo


    他们往往是被掉落的岩石砸到 或被卷入机器中


    g st

    uck by falli


    ock caught i



    y o




    t by dy


    花费了33年 移走了18亿立方米的土块

    33 yea

    s, 180 millio

    cubic mete



    of ea

    th, a

    ew cou


    y a



    27,000 lives late


    the  was fi



    it’s pletio

    book ma

    ked the e



    of a global e

    a, o

    august the 3

    d 1914,


    the c

    istobal made the fi

    st ocea

    to ocea





    but the

    e was

    o fa


    e o








    ight fell that same day,


    half a (

    ow slightly) wo

    ld away




    y decla

    ed wa





    而贸易 政治和权力也再也不会是之前那样了


    ade, politics, a

    d powe



    be the same agai


    post 1914

    在随后的一些年里 它已经变成了全球航行的生命线


    the i

    g yea

    s it became a lifeli

    e of global t



    5 of all wo

    ld t

    ade passes th

    ough the


    it’s political a

    d fi






    ce became ha

    d to ove





    s betwee

    the us a

    d pa

    ama co


    ued to






    s believed that co


    ol of the was

    ightfully thei




    the us p


    ed the uk a

    d f




    to give up thei

    claim to suez,



    y i


    ama saw this as hypoc




    e we


    iots a

    d deaths th

    oughout the sixties,



    g i



    al p


    e o

    the us

    1977年 卡特签署了一项条约


    1977 jimmy ca



    ed a t

    eaty g



    g pa




    e ow


    ship a

    d co


    ol of the, as



    g as it


    ed i


    al wate









    g feeli

    gs about the pa

    ama t

    eaty of 1903”



    afted i

    a wo

    ld so diffe


    t f

    om ou

    s today”


    “has bee a

    obstacle to bette


    s with lati





    a quick us i



    ’89 to ove


    ow ge


    al no



    the pa



    officially became the p


    ty of pa




    the last day of the 20th ce




    but by the

    it had sta

    ted to bee mo




    omical to build ships la



    the a




    t saili

    g a


    d cape ho


    2007年 巴拿马开始扩展运河


    2007 pa

    ama bega



    of thei



    ew sets of locks we

    e built pa

    allel to the old o






    g the maximum size a

    d capacity


    the expa


    itself was a massive p




    g almost as lo

    g as the ame


    s did


    so the issue of who built the is plicated


    it was the us that built the


    oads with i

    ish a

    d chi

    ese wo




    the f


    ch excavated 50 millio

    cubic mete

    s of

    ock with i


    s a

    d jamaica



    the us fi

    ished the p

    oject usi

    g ca



    d ce


    al ame





    然而 你今天实际看到的大部分运河[基础设施]都是由巴拿马人建造的

    yet most of the  [i




    e] you actually see today was built by pa





    yet it would be


    ed as the achieveme

    t of a si

    gle p




    while actually pleted u



    al othe



    all while sta


    g o

    the shoulde

    s of othe









    es scale a

    d ambitio

    that exceeds ge





    not just te

    ms of office


    this a

    d late


    ojects we

    e built


    by ma

    y people a



    s wo


    g togethe


    oss co




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