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第167章 逼逼叨叨

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    “(红毛语)Блaгocлoвn te6r Гocпoдь(国译:上帝保佑你。)”


















    “(英语)i now call upon all these forces to be arrayed between me and my enemies: to resist those who hurt me and my spirit, all cruel and inhumane forces, the temptation of false prophets, the evil laws of pagans, the false ways of heretics, the deceit of idolaters, the curse of women, craftsmen and witches, and all tricks that endanger human beings(国译:吾今召请此诸众力,阵列于我及仇雠间:抵挡伤我身我灵者,一切暴虐不仁之力,抵挡假先知之蛊惑,抵挡异教徒之邪律,抵挡异端者之伪道,抵挡拜偶像者之诡诈,抵挡妇人、匠作、巫觋之诅咒,抵挡一切危及人类身灵之术谋。)”



















    “(英语)in the king of heaven, the guardian, the god of truth, all around, filling all things, the treasure of virtue, the giver of life, pray to e, live among our friends, clean us from all filth, the holy one, save our spirits(国译:在天之君,护慰师保,真理之神,遍临遍在,充盈万有,善德宝藏,施生命者,祈尔降临,居吾侪中,洁净我等,离诸秽污,圣善者欤,拯我众灵。)”








    “(英语)i now rise up, by the power of love of heru wen, at the obedience of the angels, at the service of the angels, at the hope of receiving the reward of resurrection, at the prayer of the saints, at the prophecy of the prophets, at the preaching of the apostles, at the faith of the believers, at the purity of the virgins, and at the merit of the righteous(国译:吾今兴起,藉赫儒文炽爱之力,于众天使之听命,于众总领天使之奉事,于复活受赏报之冀望,于众圣祖之祈祷,于众先知之预言,于众使徒之宣讲,于众宣信者之信德,于众童贞者之洁德,于众行义者之功德。)”


    “(英语)i rise today by the power of heaven: the light of the sun, the brightness of the moon, the brightness of fire, the speed of electricity, the speed of wind, the depth of the sea, and the solidity of the earth,the stone is solid(国译:吾今兴起,藉上天之力:日之光,月之明,火之辉,电之速,风之疾,海之深,地之固,石之坚。)”









    “(英语)holy god, holy power, holy deathless, and merciful to usholy god, holy power, holy deathless, and merciful to usholy god, holy power, holy deathless, and merciful to usglory to the father, the son, and the holy spirit, now and forever, throughout the ages amin(国译:圣哉上帝,圣哉勇力,圣哉无死,矜怜我等。圣哉上帝,圣哉勇力,圣哉无死,矜怜我等。圣哉上帝,圣哉勇力,圣哉无死,矜怜我等。荣归与父,及子,及圣灵,今而恒久,及于万世。阿民。)”


    “(英语)guide me through the power of god: god"s divine courage supports me, god"s wisdom guides me, god"s holy eye looks at me, god"s holy intelligence listens to me, god"s holy word teaches me, god"s holy hand protects me, god"s right way unfolds before me, and god"s shield armor shields me,(国译:藉上帝之力导我:上帝之神勇扶持我,上帝之智慧引领我,上帝之圣目观照我,上帝之圣聪俯听我,上帝之圣言训诲我,上帝之圣手护佑我,上帝之正途展于我前,上帝之盾甲为我庇荫。)”

    “(英语)the army of god keeps me safe: destroy the snare of all evil, eliminate the temptation of all evil, subdue the desire of our own nature, and the person who curses our illness, either far or near, or one or all of us, and pray to be subdued(国译:上帝之军旅保我安泰:毁坏诸魔之罗网,灭除诸恶之诱感,调伏自性之意欲,及彼诅魇我病者,彼或遐或迩,或一或众,祈皆降伏无馀。)”

    “sincerity should be the mother of all our gods the reverence is far more than heru, the glory is inparably more than seraphin, and the word of god is born without defilement we really praise yang er for being a goddess of birth(国译:诚应为旬颂尔福,诞神女,永福、无玷、我众上帝之母。尊崇远逾于赫儒文,荣耀无比超胜于塞拉芬,无玷而生上帝言,真为诞神女者,吾侪颂扬尔。)”

    “(英语)because of the prayers of our holy fathers, o lord jesus christ, our god, be merciful and save us amin(国译:因我众诸圣教父之祈祷,主耶稣基督吾侪之上帝欤,矜怜并拯救我等。阿民。)”
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